

Your Impact

Every donation, no matter how big or small, makes a significant impact and helps us to continue our vital work in spreading the Gospel, nurturing believers, and serving communities in the name of Christ.

Why Donate to My Hour Ministry?

  • Spread the Gospel: Your donation will enable us to continue sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ, reaching out to those who have not yet heard or experienced His love and grace.
  • Ministry Programs and Initiatives: Your support will help fund and sustain our various ministry programs and initiatives, including daily devotionals, Our Social Development Projects such as the "Care Kits", Spiritual Consulting, community outreach, and more.
  • Equip and Empower Believers: Your contribution will help equip and empower believers to grow in their faith, serve others, and fulfill the Great Commission (Matt 28:16-20) through discipleship training, leadership development, and mission opportunities.


Volunteer Opportunities

We have various volunteer opportunities available to suit different interests, skills, and schedules. Contact us for more details. 

Why Volunteer with My Hour Ministry?

  • Make a Difference: As a volunteer, you will have the opportunity to make a tangible difference in the lives of others, helping to spread the Gospel, nurture believers, and serve those in need.
  • Grow in Faith: Volunteering with My Hour Ministry is a wonderful way to grow in your faith, deepen your relationship with Christ, and develop your spiritual gifts and talents.
  • Build Community: Join a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about serving others, sharing the love of Christ, and building the Kingdom of God here on earth.

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